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Import an Animated gif image into Avid or Pinnacle Studio in a few clicks !

edited on 17th July 2011

bijoux fantaisie

Purpose !

On many Web site, you can find animated images that make contents looking more attractive. Like me, you probably had the wish to use one of these animations into your video montages in Avid or Pinnacle Studio.

There are some tutorials explaining how to achieve, by exploding each frame composing the animation, and then import them one by one into Studio. Such a method can make sense for a simple animation, but can quickly become very time consuming if the animation contains a large number of frames.
In addition, if the duration of each image is different, it will be very difficult to reproduce the same animation.
In addition, it is then almost impossible to reuse this animation ifor an other montage...

As a consequence, I took fun in developing a program that transforms any animated gif image into a montage theme (you are on the site of montage themes for Avid and Pinnacle Studio !).

Cherry on the cake, you will have absolutely nothing to install on your computer, the program is hosted and run on my internet server .

This tutorial will teach you how to import the following animated gif image, but of course, you can use any other animated gif image ...

Warning: there is a wide variety of animated gif image, and it can happen that one or another could not working properly. If you have such a problem, please send me the corresponding animated gif by email in order to improve the performances of this tool ! .
clown musicien

Let's start by looking at the result...

Let's start by looking at the importation of this gif image animated in Pinnacle or Avid Studio. We will then look at how I there am took me!

Save the Animated Gif on your computer

As a first step, it is necessary to copy the gif image you want to import onto your computer. To do this, simply point your mouse on this animated gif image, and then right click on the mouse and select
Save image as ....
enregistrer l'image sous ...

We must then select the directory where you want to store your animated gif file, and choose its name.

Warning, the name of the .gif file will be automatically reused for your montage theme name.

Enregistrer un gif animé

Creating the "Gif" montage theme in 2 clicks!

Of course, it is also possible to use an animated gif image already available on your computer. In such a case,  begin the tutorial here.

Select menu Animated GIF.
Menu Outils

Select the file to be imported into Avid or Pinnacle studio

Then select the animated gif file you have saved on your computer in the first steps of this tutorial, and then click on  OK

selectionner une image gif animée

A file selection window opens. Select directory and filename (with extension .gif!) and click OK

Warning: it is necessary to be registered to use this free tool ! 

choisir le fichier à traiter

If everythings goes well, the tool will provide some informations about the animated gif image, in particular its size and number of frames !

Download the result

As indicated, the creation of montage theme is done on my web server. It is therefore necessary to download the result and install it before being able to use it in Avid or Pinnacle Studio (versions 12, 14 or 15 !).

To do so, we will use the installation procedure of montage themes in .zip format.

Firstly, click the Green Download button.
Résultat de l'importation

A popup windows opens and propose to open or download the file; Choose to download !
  • With Internet explorer, you will be able to also download into a specific directory as in this example.
  • With Firefox, the file will be stored into your default dowload directory (see menu Tools/options then General).
télécharger le fichier .zip

With Internet Explorer, save the file directly in its target directory

Select directly the montage themes directory after having selected save as.

With Vista et Seven : C:\Users\Public\Documents\Pinnacle\Content\IMG-templates .
With Windows XP : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Pinnacle\Content\ IMG-templates

Enregistrer le fichier .zip dans IMG-Templates

With Firefox, copy the file to the target directory

With firefox, you will need to copy the file from the default download directory to the target montage themes directory, either:

With Vista et Seven : C:\Users\Public\Documents\Pinnacle\Content\IMG-templates .
With Windows XP :C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Pinnacle\Content\ IMG-templates

Then unzip the file

Once in the IMG-Templates directory, open the contextual menu with a right click on your file.
Using your .zip file decompression software (I use 7-zip which is a free and very powerful open source that I recommend), select Extract here.
extraire ici

Result !

This operation will create a new series of montage themes named Your-Animated-Gif, which will contain a theme with the name of your animated gif image (clown in our example) !
If you had previously created an other theme from an animated gif, your series image Your-Animated-Gif  will be completed by this new theme !

Please note that the duration of each frame of the animation is faithfully rendered in the Montage theme. For ease of use, the animation is repeated 10 times during the theme. However, if needed, it is possible to shorten the theme to fit your needs (this operation the TRUNCATE without altering the execution speed).
If it was necessary to increase the duration and the number of repeat, simply duplicate the theme on the timeline of Studio as many times as necessary.
Timeline d'Avid Studio

Settings !

To simplify the layout of your animated gif image in Avid or Pinnacle Studio, the automatically generated montage theme includes adjustment of the scale, as well as horizontal and vertical position adjustment.
If you want to add additional settings, just add a video effect on the montage theme.

réglage du thème de montage gif animé

With some skill, you will import an animated gif image in Pinnacle and Avid Studio in less than one minute !

Those who program their own montage themes will also explore how to integrate an animated gif image in their own creations as I did for the #267 in series 20cents StarWars

bijoux fantaisie

Any comment about this page ?

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1 messages

Problem Wednesday 20 July 2011 15:51:05

For some reason, this is not working. I first tried using Firefox and then IE neither one works. It's in the right directory. I unzipped it. When I open Pinnacle, it shows up as a file but doesn't open. It's also not in a folder. Since I don't read french, I can't follow what's in the directory image. I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you, Design18

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For Desing18Thursday 21 July 2011 18:52:12

If my understanding is correct, you have succesfully placed the .zip file in the IMG-Templates directory. Is that correct ?
If so, take care to unzip with the option 'unzip here' (but the correct wording may be slightly different as I have a French version of 7-zip) because the .zip file contains some files and sub directories.
This will create the Your-Animated-Gif folder which will contain the xxxx.ixl and xxxx.png files (xxxx= your .gif file name) and the -Assets sub directory.
I hope this will help !

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2 messages

Thank YouSunday 28 August 2011 19:51:44

Thank you for this wonderfull Tool!!!

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25 messages

Montage PlayTuesday 30 August 2011 17:47:23

In my IMG folder I have all three files as instructed . In my Pinnacle Studio 12 under Montages is my GIF folder and when selected the picture with a black background appears . When reviewed I get picture , blank , picture , blank , picture , blank etc. to the end of the clip . The GIF is not playing back as the original input ? The GIF is surfer/palm tree which is now part of your library !

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Re: Montage PlayWednesday 31 August 2011 21:48:51

Thank for your report !

I had misunderstood the GIF file format specification, and this king of animation wasn't properly managed. The problem has been fixed and your animation in the library corrected.
Other problems in the library download process have also been corrected.

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Pinnacle HdTuesday 13 September 2011 13:29:02

hi to all
can i use this program also in my pinnacle studio hd ultimate collection???
If yes, when i have unzippedt hte file in the correct directory, how can i import it with my pinnacle??
thanks and bye

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To PadimiloTuesday 13 September 2011 17:31:18

Firstly, Yes this tool is compatible with Pinnacle studio ultimate collection (version 12, 14 and 15)
Then, to get your result, just open the montage theme album (menu Album/montage themes or click on the third icon from the top in the left side icon bar), then select series "Your-Animated-Gif" (it should be the last one in the selection list)

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Pinnacle HdFriday 16 September 2011 21:56:57

thanks for your answer. I've saved the gif but it's too fast. There is the possibility to slow down it??

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116 messages

Pinnacle HdSaturday 17 September 2011 06:28:13

Unfortunnaltly, it is not (yet) possible to modify the timescale .
The tool intend to reproduce as close as possible the original timing of the source animated GIF. If it is not the cas, tell me which GIF is not managed correctly !

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25 messages

Gif NamesWednesday 28 December 2011 20:45:01

Is there a way to change names of GIF's downloaded from the library and if so how and when for Studio 15 and Win XP ?

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116 messages

Gif NamesThursday 29 December 2011 18:04:43

Unfortunatly, it is not possible to change (in a simple way) the name of an element in the GIF library. It's the reason why it is so important to give to GIF image its destination name before processing it for Pinnacle or Avid import.

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Gif LibraryThursday 12 January 2012 17:47:58

The Library shows 20 Pages to select from but the number of GIF's posted are well beyond the available number of Pages ? Any chance of expansion ?

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116 messages

Access To Page Beyond #20Thursday 12 January 2012 18:45:09

Thanks for this remarks. I have corrected the problem. Try to select page #20, you will see that proposed range will be from 10 to 30

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Gif LibraryThursday 19 January 2012 19:38:03

When selecting from Library it can only be done for one page at a time instead of multi pages which saves a bit of time being very advantageous .

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Animated Gif'sThursday 23 August 2012 19:37:50

Is there a way to TRANSFER MY Animated Gif File from a Computer with Win XP to another Computer with Win 7 ??


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My Animated Gif FolderTuesday 15 January 2013 17:17:29

Every time that i save a new gif a new folder with the same name appears and except the first gif i made the others appears to Pinnacle but without movement.What i have to do?

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2 messages

My Animated Gif FolderTuesday 15 January 2013 17:46:19

Every time that i save a new gif a new folder with the same name appears and except the first gif i made the others appears to Pinnacle but without movement.What i have to do?

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Web site of the month !

Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

Free extensions for Pinnacle Studio 12 & 14

Montage Themes

  • More than 200 themes
  • more than 20 original series
  • continuoulsy enriched
  • 100% Free


  • make your own themes
  • improve montage themes usage usage
  • Know more about Studio
  • customize Studio menus

motion titles

  • exclusively for Studio 14
  • 100% original animations

if you too you're developping montage themes or other extensions for Pinnacle Studio, or do you have any questions, feel free to contact me

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