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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

344 "World"



theme  - 344 World
the title rotates inside the Earth, while our vehicle rotates in the opposite way ...
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343 "Globe trotter"



theme  - 343 Globe trotter
the title is in orbit autour of Earth (which rotates), while our vehicle is on-site at the North Pole ...
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342 "Where"



theme  - 342 Where
Here, our vehicle follows the title rotating aroud a drop zone ...
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341 "Voyager"



theme  - 341 Voyager
For this series, I make my best to create really original lower thirds ...
Here, your text will be in orbit around a drop zone, while our vehicle will turn following an other opposite axe.
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340 "One Way Segue"



theme  - 340 One Way Segue
This theme may be used to make a transition between 2 locations by placing departure and arrival images in transparency between the animated route and a background map.
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339 "Simple Way"



theme  - 339 Simple Way
This theme draws the progress of a route between 2 points. It is the simplest of the series!
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338 "One Way"



theme  - 338 One Way
This theme may be used to make a transition between 2 places along a route which will be defined by its origin and destination locations.
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337 "Passeport"



theme  - 337 Passeport
As I say for each new series, a good series has its original lower thirds...
Here is a simple one to start !
Our vehicle, used to ensure the graphics unit of the series, will simply go around the frame of the title...
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336 "Site Seeing"



theme  - 336 Site Seeing
In this animation of travel itinerary, crossed sites will appear in transparency between the route and the map as the the trip progress !
It is a variation of the theme # 335, here the theme is global.
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335 "Site Seeing Segue"



theme  - 335 Site Seeing Segue
In this animation of travel itinerary, crossed sites will appear in transparency between the route and the map as the the trip progress !
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334 "Tour"



theme  - 334 Tour
In this animation of travel itinerary, thumbnails representing the different crossed locations are displayed on a line at the top of the screen as the movement progress !
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333 "Step by Step"



theme  - 333 Step by Step
In this animation of travel itinerary, thumbnails representing crossed locations appear as the trip progress!
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332 "Cruse"



theme  - 332 Cruse
In this animation of travel itinerary, thumbnails representing crossed locations appear as the trip progress!
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331 "Your Travel"



theme  - 331 Your Travel
This theme runs a route which moves a drop zone where you can for example place a video that puts you on stage during the trip!
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330 "Traveller"



theme  - 330 Traveller
This theme is the transition between 2 locations, through a route of 5 segments fully customizable.
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329 "Simple travel"



theme  - 329 Simple travel
Here is the 500th theme published on this site!
I promised you something different, here it is!
This theme, and this series, are intended to help you to illustrate your travel itineraries, in a simple way without needing any external software or commercial plugins.
This theme sh more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
Etienne Kinnaer
3 messages

Disappointed By The Lack Of Interest In My 20 Cents TravelMonday 16 April 2012 08:58:55

I have downloaded them, and I will use it on my next film travel to Turkey. My personal opinion is that it would be better have a map where for instance a plain avance on the card. (But this is personal) However I will use it like it is on my next film.

Written by
3 messages

Titre Du MessageWednesday 18 April 2012 08:52:24

I just wanted to say that it is the very beginning of travel season and I plan to use these a lot.Thank you for the effort.

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Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

mentions légales Copyright © 2010-2012. All rights reserved.