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20cents-video montage themes for Pinnacle Studio

bijoux fantaisie

20cents-video 3D Themes



3D Themes

updated on Sunday 13 June 2010

These various montage themes take full benefit of 3D graphic engine embedded in Pinnacle Studio !

20cents-video Red Donkey



Red Donkey

updated on Sunday 14 March 2010

Here is a serie of themes inspired by the famous puzzle of the red donkey (Klotski Puzzle). This game consist in moving from left to right a part of big size,the red donkey, surrounded by 5 rectangular half size pieces, and 4 fourthe sized square pieces.

There are of course several solutions to this game, but I chose to build my themes from the most optimized one, edited by Martin Gardner in 1964 (leading expert on recreational mathematics) in only 81 moves. Respect!

As for the Pinnacle's series, I created an opening theme, 2 transitions and an ending. These four themes each manage some of the movements of the Martin Gardner's solution.

I also create a theme playing the entire solution for example to built a menu or a DVD credits background using representative extracts of your movie.

Finally, I created a puzzle. The input picture is quite mixed, and then, progressively as the red Donkey approaches the exit, the picture becomes clearer to finally appear full screen.

This series is complemented by other themes from a simpler puzzle !

20cents-video Background




updated on Saturday 31 October 2009

These themes can enrich the other themes of this site with original backgrounds of your creation.
Even if the themes of this site are provided with their own backgrounds, they remain limited in their customization remains limited.
To extend the choice, select Null for parameters Photo and Movie . So, theme background will be transparent, and as long as it will be located on track 2 you will put your 20cents Background theme on track 1 to get the desired effect.

20cents-video Birthday




updated on Friday 20 April 2012

This new series created by 20cents has been designed to help in montage relating to birthday parties.
you can found it here
It is composed of 16 montage themes from which 5 are lower thirds
Gifts, Cakes, and Candles will take place in this new series !

20cents-video Christmas




updated on Saturday 24 December 2011

To celebrate Christmas 2011, I propose you this short series of 7 original montage themes.
Father Christmas, snow, christmas tree and its ornaments are the main components of this new series.

20cents-video Classic




updated on Tuesday 1 June 2010

Here is a first series of original themes that will serve you to enhance your themed videos

20cents-video Clock




updated on Saturday 15 May 2010

This new serie is intended to propose an original way to timestamp your movies. You will find different transitions to give a rendering of the time spent between 2 clips, and some original titles, all with a many setting possibilities.

20cents-video Pirates chest



Pirates chest

updated on Saturday 31 October 2009

I built these montage themes to learn how to manipulate objects in space. They show a treasure chest lying on a desert island. The trunk opens to unveil your sequences ...

20cents-video CSI Miami



CSI Miami

updated on Saturday 16 June 2012

This new series created by 20cents allows to realised a generic looking like the one of the famous TV series "CSI Miami".
you can found it here
It is composed of 7 montage themes from which 1 is a lower third
A tutorial is there to give you more details on such realisation.

20cents-video Cubes




updated on Sunday 17 January 2010

This section contains different variations of cubes animation ...
you will find various themes inspired of Rubick's Cube.
These themes only work properly for a wide screen 16:9 format.

20cents-video DVD




updated on Sunday 21 October 2012

This new series created by 20cents is featuring a DVD box.
you can found it here
It is composed of 12 montage themes
DVD, HD TV flat screen, and DVD player will take place in this new series !

20cents-video Video Effects



Video Effects

updated on Monday 25 April 2011

Montage themes can also create some video effects. Of course, this does not replace video effects of the different plugins delivered with Studio, but it still offers some possibilities that I began to explore.

20cents-video Greetings




updated on Saturday 2 January 2010

It's Christmas, so I took the opportunity to create this montage themes serie for your greetings movies. You can also use these themes to do original video greeting cards without too much effort.
In this section, there are also two original lower Thirds, a background theme and 4 transitions that will complement opening and ending themes.

20cents-video TV trailers



TV trailers

updated on Monday 21 June 2010

These themes can create effortless TV serie trailers where you will replace the original characters with people of your choice.

20cents-video Halloween




updated on Thursday 28 October 2010

This series can be useful for editing your film after the Halloween party. Witch, Pumpkin, Bat, and vampires are there in this series with an opening theme, several transitions, 2 Lower Thirds and an ending theme.
For its Titles, it uses MATTEROFFACT font. If you don't have it already on your computer, it will be replaced by another font, but that would be a shame !. If that were the case, you should download it ...

20cents-video Info




updated on Friday 25 November 2011

I have developed this serie trying to reproduce the trailer of the French TV show "Sarko Info".
The video tunnel was very fascinating, and i started its realisation many months ago, but it was to hard to acheive.
With the help of my new tool (still under development, I overcame the difficulties and produce this series featuring different video walls as well as this nice video tunnel !

20cents-video kaleidoscope




updated on Saturday 5 November 2011

Jean-Claude asked me many months ago for a kaleidoscope video effect.
Here is the result of my work. I hope it will be useful also for your montages !

20cents-video Lower Thirds



Lower Thirds

updated on Sunday 4 December 2011

May be you wonder why I spent so much time to produce my animated GIF import tool ?
Here is an answer. It is now so easy to integrate these animation into any montage theme that this series now exists !

20cents-video Multi Windows



Multi Windows

updated on Thursday 24 March 2011

These themes are manipulating 2-dimensional scenes ... These are the easiest themes to achieve following tutorials and templates of Guignol-film or those available on this website.

20cents-video Video Walls



Video Walls

updated on Friday 12 February 2010

These themes reuse the concept of Video Wall delivered in Pinnacle Studio 12, but with original animations. Some of theme propose to choose a static or video background from a library (need to have downloaded the assoicated package).
More importantly, some themes are multi-tracks, ie they are composed of several themes to overlay on the 2 or 3 tracks of the timeline (the 3rd track is the title track).
Themes requiring 3 tracks could only be used on Studio's version Plus or Ultimate ...
If your montage is already large, I invite you to use these themes in a separate montage, then render an intermediate file and then use this file in your target montage. You will save time during final rendering phase, and get working comfort during your montage.

20cents-video News




updated on Saturday 31 October 2009

Here is what you need to make your TV news. These themes operate Motion Backgrounds created by, please visit their quite amazing website !

20cents-video Report




updated on Sunday 8 July 2012

This new series was created by 20cents to help you to make your multi screen reports.
you can found it here
It is composed of 9 montage themes
Different templates are proposed for 2 or 3 cameras !

20cents-video Valentine




updated on Thursday 3 February 2011

Her is a very romantic series to make more original videos for Valentine's day, or for any other appropriate occasion such as for example a wedding party.
It contains an opening theme, 5 transitions, 5 autonomous themes, 2 lower thirds and an ending theme.

20cents-video StarWars




updated on Thursday 17 March 2011

Montage themes in StarWars fashion, with a nice R2D2 more real than the original, and destruction of death Star ! Georges Lucas Strenght will help you !

20cents-video Titles




updated on Sunday 14 November 2010

These themes allow you to create original animated titles as well as with Studio 14 and Studio 12. Studio 14 will also allows fonts selection.
Even if these themes could be replaced by motion titles in Studio 14 (some of them, but not all), I put them online for those who did not invest and who still work with Studio 12!
Finally, some of these title themes effects cannot be done anyelse even with motion titles.

20cents-video Transition




updated on Saturday 31 July 2010

Montage themes can also be used to create transitions using a broad range of parameters to make them truly unique.
All themes in this series include at least one drop zone for opening and one for ending. Some themes also include intermediate sequences ...

20cents-video travel




updated on Sunday 1 April 2012

Her is a series quite different from others already delivered. I have created it to celebrate the 500 th montage theme published on this site.
This is a series designed to easily create different animations of travel itinerary without needing to any external software to Studio, nor any commercial plugin.
Thanks to Christian who blew me the idea!

20cents-video Vertical




updated on Monday 7 December 2009

This section is devoted to the montage themes presenting photos taken vertically.

20cents-video ViewMaster




updated on Saturday 2 October 2010

Here is a complete series on the ViewMaster subject, this quite vintage optical device used to view relief images stored on small cardboard discs.
This series has two opening themes, two ending, 6 original transitions, 4 titles, including a vertical completely original and 2 other themes likely to be used as background for the end credits.
bijoux fantaisie
Web site of the month !

Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.
2 DVDs for training
Perfect your shooting technique

Thierry Philippon, who manages has created two training DVDs (the only existing in Europe) offering to video amateur examples and practical techniques for their families and travel movies. Entitled "The best technics of professionals for your stories and movies travel", DVDs are available in Beginner & Intermediate or Advanced level.
These DVDs are made for video enthusiasts who have some basic video skills and willing to progress but also to those who use a camera or iPhone, and want to discover the video capabilities of their device.
Thanks to the contribution of the moving image, the container and contents are in line here. The same situation is sometimes approached with the "bad" example in addition to "good" example. The location of the cameras or the cameraman, making of is also presented when needed.

A free module is available to give you a better idea of the content of these DVDs.

Free extensions for Pinnacle Studio 12 & 14

Montage Themes

  • More than 200 themes
  • more than 20 original series
  • continuoulsy enriched
  • 100% Free


  • make your own themes
  • improve montage themes usage usage
  • Know more about Studio
  • customize Studio menus

motion titles

  • exclusively for Studio 14
  • 100% original animations

if you too you're developping montage themes or other extensions for Pinnacle Studio, or do you have any questions, feel free to contact me

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