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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

192 "World Cup 2010"



theme  - 192 World Cup 2010
An email exchange this week with a South African Visitot inspired me this new theme. This is a transition evoking the facets of a football ball to celebrate the kickoff of the FIFA World Cup 2010!
Some observers may see that the geometry of the ball is not rigorously respected (small face more ...

147 "Double couronne"



theme  - 147 Double couronne
this theme is the result of the second tutorial for creating montage themes. 2 crowns of scenes rotate in opposite directions from each other and provide a transition between the Opening and the Ending drop Zones.
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141 "Piece"



theme  - 141 Piece
Coin rolls, and then turn and stop!
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116 "Ending Games"



theme  - 116 Ending Games
In addition to the theme115, here is another theme for the closing of your sports events coverage!
The clip is split into 5 strips that curl to form stacked rings that finally move to show the Olympic rings.
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115 "Opening Games"



theme  - 115 Opening Games
Here is another theme for the opening of your sports events coverage!
In a first step, the Olympic rings are stacked , and then unroll to reveal the Opening sequence
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20 "Table"



theme  - 20 Table
Here is a theme quite useless!
I built it to learn to form 3-dimensional figures. I put it online to show that it is possible to construct 3-dimensional objects with montage themes.
It is however quite complicated (but trainer!) For a modest result ...

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19 "Image Sphère"



theme  - 19 Image Sphère
This theme should be used to build the image to be mapped of the sphere theme 018.
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18 "Sphère"



theme  - 18 Sphère
Drop Zone 1 represents each hemisphere of a ball which revolve around 4 stages.
To get the shown effect, use montage theme 019, then copy the resulting image on the timeline, and drag the result in a drop zone!
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17 "Double hexagone"



theme  - 17 Double hexagone
6 Drop Zones form 2 Hexagons turning in opposite directions one from each other by sequence of 60 °!
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16 "Double Cylindre"



theme  - 16 Double Cylindre
6 Drop Zones are on two superposed cylinders that rotate in opposite directions one from each other!
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15 "Simple Cylindre"



theme  - 15 Simple Cylindre
The 6 drop zones form a cylinder that rotates slowly around a vertical axis!
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14 "Boule"



theme  - 14 Boule
The opening scene rounded to form a hemisphere, then turns on itself and shows a second half sphere which after having turning round, flattens to form the ending scene.
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13 "Perdu"



theme  - 13 Perdu
Another variation on the theme of the one arm bandit machine. The central third of each Drop Zone is operated on each of the 3 rolls. Do they stop on the same 3 images?
You have lost!
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12 "Jackpot"



theme  - 12 Jackpot
Another variation on the theme of the one arm bandit machine. The central third of each Drop Zone is operated on each of the 3 rolls. Do they stop on the same 3 figures?
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11 "Casino"



theme  - 11 Casino
Here is a variation on the theme of the one arm bandit machine. The initial scene is divided into 3 segments of 3 rolls.
They start to spin and mix, then stop to form a new image.
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10 "Etoile Noire"



theme  - 10 Etoile Noire
Following StarWars fashion, here are some scenes that come out of hyperspace, slow down and land on a sphere.
Of course, the corresponding images are drop zones and the background is also configurable.
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9 "Olympics"



theme  - 9 Olympics
Soon the Winter Olympics?
Here's a theme to built a 100% original introduction sequence!
Olympic Rings host your videos or photos in an animated and colorful maner.

more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
1 messages

Titre Du MessageFriday 1 November 2013 03:49:43

i want marriage themes

Written by
1 messages

Titre Du MessageThursday 16 February 2017 14:56:41

THanks for everything.
I want to weddings tems.Please

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Web site of the month !

Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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