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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

MD 22 "Ending Fleuri"



theme MD - 22 Ending Fleuri
Like E-N-C and Papy Serge, it is now to MDamien to present his version of photo album series. It is not a surprise from MDamien that the general theme of this album is the nature, with flowers and butterflies
Here is the ending theme of this series...
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MD 21 "Segue C Fleuri"



theme MD - 21 Segue C Fleuri
This is the variant of the opening theme built according to my tutorial explaining how it is possible to modify a montage theme
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MD 20 "Segue B Fleuri"



theme MD - 20 Segue B Fleuri
here is an other transition of this album. This will be the opportunity to pan across the different photos shown on these 2 pages
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MD 19 "Segue A Fleuri"



theme MD - 19 Segue A Fleuri
here is the first transition of this album. This will be the opportunity to pan across the different photos shown on these 2 pages
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MD 18 "Opening Fleuri"



theme MD - 18 Opening Fleuri
Like E-N-C and Papy Serge, it is now to MDamien to present his version of photo album series. It is not a surprise from MDamien that the general theme of this album is the nature, with flowers and butterflies
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