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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

223 "Lower Third C"



theme  - 223 Lower Third C
This last lower third is the result of my tutorial telling how to modify the lower Third in the series "Love" proposed by Pinnacle Studio version 12.
As you can observe, I added some further improvements to give you some other customization options . more ...

221 "Lower Third B"



theme  - 221 Lower Third B
A third lower third inspired by the ViewMaster ... more ...

220 "Ending Extra"



theme  - 220 Ending Extra
An alterrnative ending theme highlighting the ViewMaster. more ...

219 "Opening Extra"



theme  - 219 Opening Extra
Here is a variant of the opening theme of this series inspired by the ViewMaster. more ...

218 "ViewMaster Extra"



theme  - 218 ViewMaster Extra
This theme depicts 6 sequences chained by a transition triggered by the action on ViewMaster push button.
If your sequences are movies, they will play automatically once in full screen, and freeze before and after, thus avoiding sound tracks overlapping ! more ...

217 "Opening ViewMaster"



theme  - 217 Opening ViewMaster
A variation of opening and closing themes of this new series inspired by the ViewMaster. This equipment the 60-70'th enabled stereoscopic rendering of various pictures recorded on a cardboard. < br>
Note that if you insert videos into drop zones, they will be frozen out of the period w more ...

216 "Ending ViewMaster"



theme  - 216 Ending ViewMaster
is the closing theme of this new series inspired by the ViewMaster. This popular equipment of the 60-70'th enabled stereoscopic rendering of various pictures recorded on card disk. This disc can store seven different images.
This theme highlights 6 scenes and a title that will occupy a more ...

215 "Vertical Title"



theme  - 215 Vertical Title
Here is a more original lower third, because it is located in the lower third of the screen as its name suggests. Indeed, I had fun putting this title the left border of the screen, writing text in vertical, each letter one below the other, which is quite unique ! more ...

214 "Lower Third"



theme  - 214 Lower Third
There is no thematic series without lower Third!
This one is pretty simple. A ViewMaster disk appears on the right of the screen, and it unroll the track behind it. more ...

213 "Segue F"



theme  - 213 Segue F
I thougth that a second transition showing this wonderful ViewMaster could be useful. Here, the opening sequence will serve as background in our transition. ViewMaster disk appears swirling in from the left of the screen, then stabilizes. It shows opening and ending sequences.
Disk is inserte more ...

212 "Segue E"



theme  - 212 Segue E
So far, only the disk has been used to remember the ViewMaster. In this transition, we will finally see this beautiful vintage object.
Opening sequence is split in 2 parts, each one coming within one eye of the ViewMaster. With action on the push button, the disk rotates, the next sequence more ...

211 "Segue D"



theme  - 211 Segue D
This transition suggests a change of disc, and can be used to move from one topic to another.
Opening sequence is reduced to find its place on the first disc. Then the disk turn on itself going to the infinite until it disappears, while another disc is spinning in the left and come from the more ...

210 "Segue C"



theme  - 210 Segue C
In this transition, the ViewMaster disk seems to come from infinity. It grows to fill the entire screen, and then go back to where it came. Of course, by the way, we have changed of sequence from opening to ending.
Again, ViewMaster discs will be equiped with the opening and ending sequenc more ...

209 "Segue B"



theme  - 209 Segue B
This transition takes the concept fairly standard for a gradual transition behind a moving target objects. Here the ViewMaster disk is rolling (equipped with opening and ending sequences), and ending sequence replaces the opening sequence during the passage.
more ...

208 "Segue A"



theme  - 208 Segue A
This series has 6 different transitions. This one reproduces the movement developped in opening and ending themes.
Note that a 3rd drop zone is available to accommodate a clip used for background image. If you do not want any background, simply drag any clip in the drop zone 3 then right c more ...

207 "Opening ViewMaster"



theme  - 207 Opening ViewMaster
Here is the opening theme of this new series inspired by the ViewMaster. This popular equipment of the 60-70'th enabled stereoscopic rendering of various pictures recorded on a card disk. This disc could store 7 different images.
This theme highlights 6 scenes and a title that will occ more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
1 messages

Titre Du MessageSunday 15 November 2015 05:36:37

I am looking for merry-go-round. Did you take it off?

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Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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