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329 "Simple travel"

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Here is the 500th theme published on this site!
I promised you something different, here it is!
This theme, and this series, are intended to help you to illustrate your travel itineraries, in a simple way without needing any external software or commercial plugins.
This theme showcases a route on which moves an animated vehicle.

bijoux fantaisie
Informations :Position:global(Single)duration:14 secondes (non stretchable)


There is no drop zone available for this theme
  • Vehicule is a dropdown box to select the mean of transportation
  • Size tune Vehicle size
  • Direction to position Vehicle on over or under the itinerary line
  • Thickness Adjusts thickness of itinerary line
  • Color sets itinerary color after passage of the vehicule
  • Apercu Adjusts the transparency of the route line before the passage of the vehicle. By placing the cursor on the left, the route will not be previewed
  • Apercu selects the color of the route line before vehicle passage
  • Start.X Adjusts the horizontal position of the starting point of the route
  • Start.Y Adjusts the vertical position of the starting point of the route
  • Angle.n Adjusts the direction of the n th segment of the route (5 segments are available)
  • Length.n Adjusts the length of the n th segment of the route

Download Montage themes

Serie Travel , loaded times

2 possible installation methods :
download 20cents-travel.exe
  • .ZIP file to be deflated in (for Vista and Windows 7) :
Download montage themes directory

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